Harvest SEEED Logo


What if my GPA is not a 2.5 when I graduate?
Students must have a minimum high school cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.5. However, if your GPA falls below a 2.5, we welcome you to contact us so that we are able to explore other financial aid resources to assist you.

What happens if my GPA falls below 2.0 while enrolled?
If your GPA falls below 2.0, the SEED Fund will not cover your tuition, fees, or books for the following semester. There may be other financial aid resources available to cover the costs during the probationary period. If the student is able to raise the GPA to the required 2.0 GPA after a semester, the student will once again be eligible for the SEED Fund.

If I enroll and attend a four year institution and return to P&HCC, can I take advantage of the Harvest SEED Fund?
No. The student must attend P&HCC the following fall after graduation from high school school or completion of a GED or homeschool program. If a student attends another institution and then attends P&HCC, we can assist the student with exploring other financial aid resources to assist with paying tuition and fees.

Community Service Hours
SEED students must complete eight hours of community service prior to July 31 for each year they receive the SEED Fund.

Do I have to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)?
SEED students must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. To complete the FAFSA, please go to www.fafsa.gov. Students may receive assistance with FAFSA completion by calling 276-656-5491 or 276-656-0317.

Please note that students who are under 24 years of age will need to use parents’ information to complete the FAFSA. The financial aid process is not complete until you receive an award notification.

Please follow the instructions if you are selected for Financial Aid verification. Instructions on how to provide the verification

Do I need to complete the FAFSA if my parents' or guardian's income exceeds the eligibility parameters?

Yes. All SEED Fund participants must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year regardless of income. If a student is ineligible for federal aid, the SEED Fund will cover tuition, fees, and books.

What do I do if my FAFSA requires Verification?
If your FAFSA is selected for verification it just means we need additional information. Instructions on how to provide the verification.

For currently enrolled SEED students only:
Registration for summer and fall 2024 begins on April 2, 2024. Students may register for courses by signing up for an appointment with their program advisor. They may also email advising@patrickhenry.edu or call 276-656-5482 to setup a time to register for the next semester

Students may purchase textbooks at www.phvccsshop.com. Please note that students will need to submit all Financial Aid documentation including verification paperwork (if required) before textbooks can be purchased.

Nursing students will receive instructions for getting books at an orientation session for nursing students.

Please note that students cannot be reimbursed for textbooks, codes, or calculators after the deadline for bookstore purchases.

What do I do if federal aid does not cover all of my tuition and books?
If federal aid partially covers expenses, the SEED Fund will cover the remaining expenses.

May I take less or more than 15 credit hours per semester?
Students must enroll in a minimum of fifteen (15) credit hours per semester. Program plans will vary for students enrolled in certain degrees or certificates. Should a student be enrolled in a program that offers less than 15 credit hours for a given semester the Vice President of Academic and Student Success Services can approve an exception. Students may enroll in more than 15 credit hours.

If I am a dually enrolled student and will complete an associate degree prior to the fall term immediately after high school, may I take advantage of the SEED Fund?
Yes; however, students must change their programs of study. Please contact the Admissions Office at 276.656.0301 for assistance.

If a student graduates early and attends P&HCC for spring, may he or she take advantage of the SEED Fund in the subsequent fall?
Yes. If a student completed high school early and would like to attend P&HCC in spring, the student can still take advantage of the SEED Fund the following fall. The SEED Fund will not pay for expenses for the spring preceding graduation, but it will pay for fall. There may be other resources available to assist with the student in spring. Please contact us to explore those options.

Financial Aid Office

Patrick & Henry Community College Foundation
Letitia Pulliam

If a student has to discontinue enrollment, but is able to return, how does the student move forward.
The Vice President of Academic Student Success Services will evaluate the circumstances and determine reentry for SEED Funding.