2.1.4 Composition of the Board
The Board shall consist of 15 members as follows: the City of Martinsville, three representatives; the County of Henry, eight representatives; the County of Patrick, two representatives; and the County of Franklin, two representatives.
2.1.8 Removal and Replacement of Board Members
The VCCS Policy Manual governing the establishment and operation of the comprehensive community colleges of Virginia makes the following provision for removal and replacement of local College Board members:
a. Failure to attend meetings of the College Board shall constitute cause for the removal and replacement of a College Board member. The community college board shall make this determination, and if it is determined that it is in the best interest of the college to have a replacement, the College Board shall notify the appropriate sponsoring political subdivision of the need for a replacement.
b. If a member shall fail to regularly attend Board meetings and is absent for three consecutive meetings or for 40 percent or more of the meetings scheduled between July 1 and the next succeeding June 30, he or she shall be notified in writing by the Board Chairman that the matter will be presented to the Board, in executive session, at the next board meeting.
c. This notice shall inform the member that he or she may present such justification as he may desire or offer to resign.
d. The Board will make its determination and, if appropriate, instruct the Chairman to notify the jurisdiction concerned of the need for replacement.
2.1.9 Reappointments and Vacancies
a. When the term of office of a College Board member expires, the appropriate local political subdivision shall either reappoint the member or appoint a new member. If the member whose term of office has expired is eligible for reappointment, he shall continue in office until he is reappointed or a successor named. A member who is not eligible for reappointment shall discontinue his service on the College Board at the expiration of his term.
b. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the College Board, the appropriate political subdivision shall appoint a person to fill the unexpired term of the member creating the vacancy.
2.1.10 Reallocation of Board Membership
The VCCS Policy Manual governing the establishment and operation of the comprehensive community colleges of Virginia makes the following provisions:
a. In the event that any political subdivision wishes to reallocate the positions on a College Board because of changing conditions, it shall notify the community college board and the State Board in writing of its desires and reasons for change. The same procedure used to establish the original ad hoc committee shall be instituted to establish an ad hoc committee to determine the number of members on the community college board and the reallocation of these members among the local political subdivision(s) sponsoring the college.
b. The Board itself may determine the need for a change in number or reallocation of its membership. Upon approval of two-thirds of the total membership of the Board, the Chairman shall notify the appropriate sponsoring political subdivision(s) of the action of the Board and request the political subdivision(s) follow the procedure as outlined in item (a) above.
2.1.11 Distribution of Representation
The College Board membership distribution should be representative of the industries, businesses, and professions which are located in the service area of the college. To ensure an appropriate membership distribution representative of the service area, the State Board has established a list of employment categories to assist and guide the College Board Chairman and local government jurisdictions in the selection and appointment process. The President and College Board Chairman should work closely with the local jurisdictions in order to maintain a membership distribution representative of the college service area.
2.1.14 Board Liaison with Foundation Board
The VCCS Policy Manual governing the establishment and operation of the comprehensive community colleges of Virginia makes the following provision: “The application to the State Board to establish an institutionally related Foundation within the VCCS shall encompass six primary requirements,” including “a provision in the enabling documents that the College President (or designee) and one or more Local College Board members (appointed by the Local College Board) shall serve as ex officio members of the Foundation’s governing board with voting rights.”
2.1.15 Meetings of the Board
a. All meetings of the Board shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, except where a closed meeting is authorized by the Act and the Board 10 convenes and adjourns the closed session in the manner provided by the Act.
b. Regular scheduled meetings of the Board shall be held at 12:00 noon on the following days: Fourth Monday in February Third Monday in April Third Monday in June Third Monday in August Third Monday in October Second Monday in December Or at such other times as the Board may agree.
c. Special meetings of the Board shall be held at the call of the Chairman or upon petition of a simple majority of the members of the Board.
d. If an issue or situation arises which, in the opinion of the President or College Board chair, requires action by the College Board before its next regularly scheduled meeting, the President or College Board chair shall contact the appropriate College Board members to review the matter and offer advice regarding the issue. The President, as secretary to the College Board, shall forward a memorandum to the members of the College Board, setting forth the facts surrounding the issue and the recommendation of the administration. Supporting data as appropriate shall be included with the memorandum. Should a vote be required, the decision reached shall be reaffirmed at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the College Board.
e. A simple majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for all purposes, except as otherwise specified herein.
f. The president of the college shall serve as Secretary to the Board.
g. The president, as Secretary to the Board, shall keep such minutes and records as are necessary to set forth clearly all actions, showing the vote of each member present, and proceedings of the Board. The typed minutes of each meeting shall be considered, corrected if necessary, and approved at the next regular meeting, provided that this action may be taken at an intervening special meeting if the Board desires. The minutes shall be signed by the Chairman and the President after corrections and approval, and 11 shall be kept as public record in permanently bound books in the custody of the President.
3.1 Reaffirmation of All Motions and Decisions of Predecessor Boards
The Board reaffirms all motions and decisions made by all predecessor boards, said motions and decisions to remain in effect until rescinded.